Shalimar Ranch, a Nebraska ranch property
Current Sale Price: $4.4 Million


Winding through our buildings is Monroe Creek, which especially shows its beauty when damned up in the spring and summer for irrigation purposes.

For what we call the "North Pasture", approximately 600 acres, we are able to irrigate from this creek with gravity irrigation, in order to have a larger production of alfalfa and grass hay. This property has an average production capacity of 800 tons of hay per year. This is a wonderful and extremely efficient system without the hassle and expense of irrigation circles and pivots. As well, several miles east of the buildings is a 10-acre reservoir used to flood irrigate 100 acres of alfalfa and grass hay. The picture of the reservoir included to the right shows the reservoir at full capacity.

A new $80,000 dike system was installed several years ago to aid with irrigation. This dike system is more efficient than other similar options, and is easier to maintain.

The eastern part of the ranch also has a 10-tank underground pumped pipeline shared with the neighbors in order to insure a water supply for all cattle. However this is in addition to our own four live creeks on this ranch. There is no need for windmills here.